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London Reiki Training - Reiki Treatments

Reiki Training Reiki Treatments via Remote Healing

Reiki healing treatments generally last for about 60 minutes, though sometimes longer healing treatments are required - this depends on what is needed by each individual client. Whatever your reasons for coming for Reiki we can help you in the way that is right for you.

What are Reiki Treatments via Remote Healing?

Reiki treatments can be given to a client either in-person or via remote healing. The effects of the treatment are the same in both cases. With traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho there the distant connection method that is used to connect to a person remotely in order to give them a treatment or to give them Denju initiation attunements. I have been using this methhod for both remote treatments and remote Denju for a number of years and have found that the outcomes are the same as in-person.
The process is the same as for in-person Reiki treatments. I email you a consultation form to complete and then we have a video or telephone consultation. From this information I develop a treatment plan with agreed outcomes. Once you agree to the treatment plan we book your treatment. Once you have had your treatment you complete a treatment form. You only need to pay for the treatment if you are happy with the effects of the treatment and have a noticable improvement as per the agreed outcomes.

How long does a Reiki healing treatment last?

Reiki healing treatments generally last for 60 minutes, though sometimes longer healing treatments are required - this depends on what is needed by each individual client and I do so at no extra charge to the client.

What is the cost for Reiki healing treatments?

The fee is £75 per treatment. This includes the initial consultation.

Payment method: PayPal or BACS transfer

Call or email for more information: 07956 979 221 or reiki@reikiinthecity.co.uk

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IGCT Approved Reiki verified practitioner Reiki Guild CNHC